The engine is a 1912 Baker Steam Traction Engine # 890 16-56 HP (16HP at the drawbar and 56HP at the belt). My Great Granddad bought the
Baker new and had it delivered to St. Paul, Kansas in May of 1912.
He threshed with it until the late 1920’s when it was sold.
Granddad bought it back in the early 1930’s and used it to pull
a sawmill and thresher. By the early 1940’s the engine was pretty well
worn out so it was parked and replaced with a used Port Huron that he
used into the mid 1950’s After Granddad died in 1960 Dad hauled the Baker into Girard, Kansas where it sat until it was taken to Ft. Scott, Kansas in 1965. Once there it was partially restored to make it operable for use in the Pioneer Harvest Fiesta each year at Ft. Scott. In 1983 it was brought back to Girard for a complete restoration. By the end of 2002 the restoration was at least 75% done but in the spring of 2003 I sent the boiler inspection report into the state and received the bad news that the boiler was unusable and would have to be replaced. Later that year I contacted the JS Company in Middlefield, Ohio about building a new boiler. I brought the new boiler home in June of 2005 & started the re-construction. Below are some earlier pictures of the engine. Click on images to enlarge.
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